Check out the Most AMAZING Fossil Discoveries Ever! This top 10 list of mysterious archaeological discoveries has some of the strangest and most incredible prehistoric animal bones ever found! Subscribe For New Videos! Watch our "REAL Mermaid Sightings Around The World!" video here: Watch our "10 Sea Monsters ATTACKING A Boat!" video here: Watch our "STRANGEST Animals People Keep As Pets!" video here: 10. Patagotitan In 2012, a farmer came across a stone littered with the remains of all kinds of dinosaurs. Some of the fossilized bones in particular, were determined to belong to a massive herbivore. This new species is arguably the most massive dinosaur ever discovered!! Now known as the Patagotitan mayorum, this titanosaur was 122 feet (37 m) long, nearly 20 feet high (6 m) at the shoulder, and weighed over 70 tons. 9. Megalosaurus The Megalosaurus was found in England in 1676, where a fragmentary bone was discovered in a limestone quarry in Oxfordshire. This find was one of the first dinosaurs ever discovered!! The first scientists to examine the bone thought it might have come from a Roman war elephant, or even from a giant human like those mentioned in the Bible. The fragment was the end of a femur, but because of its shape, it was labeled “Scrotum humanum”. The name stuck until 1827, when it was given its proper name. 8. Tyrannosaurus Rex What listing of huge fossils would be complete without the king of the dinosaurs? It was one of the largest predators ever, with just its skull measuring over five feet long! It’s estimated that T. rex had the greatest bite force in history, at about 8000 pounds of pressure – about the weight of three small cars! Now scientists believe that adult t-rexes could have been covered in feathers. 7. Giganotosaurus Its name is often mispronounced as “giganto-saurus,” a name that would be appropriate for its immense size, but that’s actually the name of another dinosaur. Giganotosaurus’ name is really Greek for “great Southern lizard.” Found in Argentina, this beast lived during the Late Cretaceous period, about 97 million years ago. It was larger than a T-rex, estimated to be about 45 feet long (13.7 m) and tipping the scales at 15 tons. That’s a several tons heavier and five feet longer than T. rex! 6. Archaeopteryx The Archaeopteryx is a transitional species between dinosaurs and birds. It is often considered the first bird. This remarkable creature was first found in southern Germany in 1860. It’s not very large – only about the size of a raven – but the quality that makes it “big” is its plumage. Like birds, the Archaeopteryx had flight feathers, and these have been beautifully preserved in the fossil record. In fact, eleven separate specimens have been discovered, all of them with their feathers clearly shown. 5. Diplodocus First discovered in 1877 in Colorado, Diplodocus was a four-footed, herbivorous giant. It lived in North America during the Jurassic period, about 155 million years ago. A long-necked, long-tailed creature, the Diplodocus measured about 108 feet (33 m) long and weighed about 17.6 tons (10 to 16 metric tons). 4. Mosasaurus Massive monsters weren’t exclusively found on land. These ancient marine reptiles were not dinosaurs and are believed to be one of the most fearsome predators to live in the ocean. The Mosasaurus could reach lengths of up to 56 feet (17 m) and weigh up to 30,000 pounds (13,607 kg). Paleontologists think that Mosasaurus had tail flukes similar to sharks, and like sharks, it probably could cruise along at a pretty fast speed! 3. Iguanodon The Iguanodon, was a four-legged herbivore that lived during the Jurassic period to the Cretaceous. When a fossil was first obtained by an English doctor in 1825, it was just a gigantic tooth that the doctor called “Iguanodon”, meaning “iguana tooth”. Over the years many different dinosaurs were labelled as iguanodons so it got kind of confusing and it was hard to find big skeletons and artists started to create their own beasts based on bits and pieces of information. 2. Hadrosaurus Their name translates to “bulky lizard,” but we know them better as duck-billed dinosaurs. These creatures were the most common dinosaurs, found all across Europe, North America and Asia during the late Cretaceous period about 80 million years ago. Hadrosaurs were herbivores, and they probably lived near water. They ran on two legs and had a stiff tail that helped them balance. 1. Yutyrannus This dinosaur was a distant cousin of the T-Rex and lived in the Cretaceous period. Discovered in northeastern China, these guys were big, scary, and fluffy!! Origins Explained is the place to be to find all the answers to your questions, from mysterious events and unsolved mysteries to everything there is to know about the world and its amazing animals!