Half a Million Years - Sumerian Texts Speak of Ancient Kings and a Mystery Planet 🎥 documentaries | Channify

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Gaia releases new videos every week What knowledge lies in our ancient past? A team of renowned scholars has come together to go beyond the surface-level myths, artifacts, and mysteries found in ancient texts and lost cities from around the world. Journey to decipher the code scattered throughout ancient civilizations. Join Gaia.com for $0.99: http://bit.ly/TestDrive99cents Viper TV - Documentaries in 4K https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIUlQSeoRtEsLbg4vcI8JyQ?sub_confirmation=1 Most of mythology speaks about the same things, the sky ... , approximately half a million years ago these Anunnaki beings came to Earth because our planet and their planet came in close proximity. ... And if you don't believe research the ancient Sumerians and see ... FULL DOCUMENTARY ARCHIVE @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfSYKeRdvVE6NJduaAvJohGd3fcw7AnvA

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