Electro Freestyle Music Radio - TheCollageArt 🎥 Best German Underground | Channify

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Welcome on ELECTRO FREESTYLE RADIO my freestyle friends! :) If you like it - dont forget to smash the like button, leave a comment and subscribe :) Big thanks goes to daniraj_pk who dealt with all technical issues and made this radio a real project. Good job! If you like my channel and if you want to support me, the stream and servers - please leave a tip here: https://streamlabs.com/thecollageart/tip or https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MinisterWPYoutube . It will help to keep this project alive. Thank you! :D ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please support all of those artists (check below). Of course you can probably download music somewhere on the internet but if you really love freestyle and you want those amazing guys to create more productions - definitely BUY their tunes. Their tracks dont cost much (equivalent of 1 beer or chocolate) but every money spent help artists and keep them motivated and focused. We are big freestyle family and we have to support each other. Big thanks from all artists and from me :) TCA. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ *********** PRODUCERS OF THE MUSIC WHICH YOU CAN LISTEN IN THE RADIO. *********** B-BOY TRONIK (Artem Tiunov) https://tinyurl.com/wbchsvr Google Play with some awesome BBT tunes! https://tinyurl.com/yba5uo4c Move Your Body! tune with all details! https://tinyurl.com/y8tllu5e Music Is My Life tune with all the details! ELECTROCORE/ATHERIS ENERGY (Vitalyi Kotov) https://www.beatport.com/artist/electrocore/158777 Shop full of amazing productions! https://tinyurl.com/y8svjmgy Shop with outstanding tunes from Atheris Energy project! https://tinyurl.com/ya273vdu - OFFICIAL Atheris Energy youtube channel A'GUN (Anton Aganin): http://vk.com/freestyle_a_gun - Official A'Gun profile on VKontakte (russian language site) https://www.youtube.com/user/MrFFenix - OFFICIAL channel. Don't forget to subscribe! https://agun.bandcamp.com - Shop with many of A'Gun productions. It is a must for every fan! https://www.facebook.com/agunfreestyle/ - Official A'Gun profile on Facebook. https://soundcloud.com/agun - Official A'Gun profile on Soundcloud. SYMPHOBREAKS (Tëma Kravchenko) https://tinyurl.com/rxrdkl2 AMAZON with Symphobreaks amazing productions. https://tinyurl.com/sl7jntf GOOGLE MUSIC STORE Its a must for all of his fans. https://tinyurl.com/sepgpt5 APPLE MUSIC Symphobreaks productions for Apple users :) COSMIC EFI (Alexander Sergeev) https://tinyurl.com/y8j7t68j Here you can buy Cosmic productions. https://tinyurl.com/y9y5rxmw Official page on Soundcloud. Full of great music! https://tinyurl.com/y9y5rxmw Official Instagram channel. https://tinyurl.com/y8w8g4ee OFFICIAL Cosmic EFI youtube channel JAMIX PROJECT (Yevgeniy Mikhnonok) https://tinyurl.com/yc9sl3cb - Crazy tune "Freaky" for sell! https://tinyurl.com/y9bz8w99 - Tunes available on Spotify :) https://tinyurl.com/ycs9q72c - Amazing O.b.t. production available in Amazon. https://tinyurl.com/y969qjah - Jamix Project on Youtube Music https://tinyurl.com/y9xbmgzk - Jamix Project on Deezer https://www.youtube.com/user/JamixProject - OFFICIAL channel of Jamix Project on Youtube https://tinyurl.com/y8eo5m5z - Jamix productions on Google Play Music. ATOMIC PROJECT (Evgeny Lapaev) https://soundcloud.com/atomicpro - Official Soundcloud profile. Many tracks to buy and listen. https://tinyurl.com/y9yv8mqv - Amazing 'Breakin It Down' tune for sell on Amazon Music https://tinyurl.com/ybo6pjzp - OFFICIAL Atomic Project channel on Youtube! Subscribe :) https://tinyurl.com/y725bwdq - Atomic Project on Spotify POWER OF MELODY (Stanislav Goltsov) https://powerofmelody.bandcamp.com/ - Some tunes from PoM available in the shop. The rest of the guys: RoPro46 (Roman Proskuryn), Artem Porotikov, B-Boy Reezo (Gadzhi Khartumov), elSkemp (Konstantin Kuznetsov), kak2zz (Aleksey Semonov), Flex (Sergey Skibenko), Universal Breakers (Georgiy Korsunov) and others, also Polish artists (!) - if you stabilize the shop or if you wanna give some more details about your music/profiles lemme know. I will update the info. Thanks! ___________________________________________________________________________________________ There are trance radios, pop, disco, dance available on youtube. Now we have our own radio too! Yeah! Electro Freestyle 4 Life! :) #electro #freestyle #live Electro Freestyle Music Radio - TheCollageArt 24/7 !!!

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