From getting new mental abilities, to feats of incredible strength, join me as I show you 8 People Who Got Superpowers From an Accident. Subscribe For New Videos! 8. Orlando Serrell When Orlando Serrell was just 10 years old he was as ordinary as ordinary can be, he was doing nothing overtly special, but was competent in everything you would expect him to be. Then, one day in 1979, he was playing sports with his friends when he was hit in the head with a baseball. To be clear, he wasn't wearing a helmet when he was playing, so the baseball hit him square on the left side of his head. 7. Franco Magnani In the 1960's, Franco Magnani was an Italian immigrant, and he came to San Francisco in the United States in order to try and live a new life. There was just one problem though, almost as soon as he arrived in the city, he became sick, deathly sick. No one is sure what exactly, but he is documented with having a fever that was so bad it made him delirious and have seizures. This kind of illness can change a person if they're in it for too long in regards to their health, but for Franco Magnani, it changed him in his mind. 6. Jason Padgett Much like in comic books, there are many ways to "gain" a superpower in real-life, but there is only one documented case in history where that superpower came after getting beaten up, in this case via a mugging, and his name is Jason Padgett. The year was 2002, and Jason Padgett was having the time of his life, he had just come off a date and was leaving to go home, when all of a sudden two men jumped him, beat him down, stole his money and then ran off. 5. Jim Carollo In 1988, a young man by the name of Jim Carollo was in a car accident, he was 14 at the time, and while he survived (albeit barely), his mother did not. As for Jim, while he was alive, he was in a coma, one that lasted for 6 weeks and had doctors wondering if he was ever going to make it out. When he woke up, it was sudden and random, and much to the shock of everyone there. 4. Tony Cicoria In DC Comics, the character known as Barry Allen was struck by lightning that transformed him into the fastest man alive, but for Tony Cicoria, he had a slightly different reaction when he got hit by a bolt from the blue. Just like Barry Allen though, his strike was very unexpected, because during a thunderstorm, he decided to pull over and call his mother via a payphone, when the conversation was done the lightning bolt came down, struck the phone, and electrocuted Cicoria. 3. Derek Amato When it comes to "origin stories" of superpowers in real life, you could argue that Derek Amato has one of the dumbest, because back in 2006, he was at a friends party in Denver, Colorado and he decided to dive head first into their pool. Which would've been fine if it was deep, yet it wasn't, and so he bashed his head on the bottom of said pool. 2. Ken Walters Ken Walters journey to getting powers started out with some of the worst luck a person could ever have in their lives. It started with an accident that left him crippled, as his back was broken and he wouldn't be able to walk again. For the next year he lived with incredible pain because of that accident, and couldn't get out of bed as a result of this. He was later kicked out of his house by the government and fined for various things, all this stress led to him having two heartattacks, and then in 2005, he had a major stroke. 1. Tommy McHugh Tommy McHugh was not a nice man, he had lived most of his life in a very violent way, as well as a dangerous way. He would get into fights at bars, he would do an assortment of drugs, and he was known to be a jerk in his personal life. Then, he went to the hospital one day to deal with severe headaches and he found out that he had two aneurysms in his head, and both had ruptured. This led to having immediate surgery...with some odd side effects. #people #superpowers #worldlist