My Neighbor from Hell Act II 🎥 UFO News | Channify

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After a week working out of state, my neighbor from hell is back for the weekend for a few drives over the topsoil he had kicked about the previous weekend, see My Neighbor From Hell ACT I revised at and of course, multiple trips from his garage behind my house, to his house across the street with some more kicking, but this time he incorporates the spreader and the lawn mower to blow the gravel & dirt into our car. He used to do this with the lawn mower before we had the driveway done. You could hear the gravel hitting the cars.The silver car driving in & out is the Neighbors other car, The silver car in my driveway is my brother's, whose family was staying here from Alaska for my mothers funeral. Obviously they were stunned and shocked by this neighbors behavior. Stay tuned for ACT III coming soon.... It gets much..........

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