If you're new, Subscribe! โ http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Nicki-Swift Shortly after the debut of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on October 14, 2007, Kris Jenner finally became a household name at age 51. Serving as the show's executive producer and manager for all six of her kids, Jenner nailed the "famous for being famous" reality-show template, and she's shown no signs of stopping. But any meteoric rise to success creates a few enemies. Here's a list of celebrities who can't stand Kris Jenner... Mariah Carey | 0:25 Wendy Williams | 0:52 Brody Jenner | 1:47 Esther Jenner | 2:25 Denise Brown | 2:53 Caitlyn Jenner | 3:38 Read more here โ http://www.nickiswift.com/85518/celebrities-cant-stand-kris-jenner/ Kardashians https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd Strange Things About Kylie Jenner And Travis Scott's Relationship https://youtu.be/YOfEi1bu28k?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd Why We're Worried About Kylie Jenner's Baby https://youtu.be/7qvcG_269bY?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd Dark Secrets The Kardashian Family Tried To Hide https://youtu.be/UvqNmma3Oik?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd The Truth Behind The Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna Disaster https://youtu.be/RFMmmMsMnJk?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd The Story Behind Kim Kardashian's Fame https://youtu.be/9eu-FpDXwWQ?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd The Real Reason The Kardashians Are Closing DASH Stores https://youtu.be/SI4zYTdM0VU?list=PLdEKZTDH6MLGKBA8E0SSkCJPipSwHw3Xd Website โ http://www.nickiswift.com/ Like us โ https://www.facebook.com/NickiSwiftCeleb/ Instagram โ https://www.instagram.com/NickiSwiftCeleb/ Pinterest โ https://www.pinterest.com/NickiSwiftCeleb/ Plenty of entertainment brands tackle Hollywood, but Nicki Swift stands apart in style and smarts. Spending time with us is like hanging out with friends who keeps the conversation clever, quick, and classy. We dish out the good stuff on all your favorite celebs, add expert analysis, then move on to the next hot topic, all without breaking a sweat.