WATERMARK (U.S. #19, U.K. #25), Art Garfunkel's third solo album was released in the Spring (the album had a limited release in October 1977, without the hit single "(What a)Wonderful World"). With the exception of that hit single, the tracks were all written and composed by Jimmy Webb. Webb wrote Art's first solo single, "All I Know" which was released on the ANGEL CLARE album (1973). The album was really a tribute to Jimmy Webb's exceptional songwriting ability, sensitively interpreted by Art Garfunkel. The album also contained Sam Cooke's "(What a) Wonderful World" (U.S. #17) sung by Art, Paul Simon and James Taylor and produced by Phil Ramone. The song turned out to be a major hit with the blend of the three singers voices creating a uniquely rich sound. WATERMARK went gold on March 2, 1978 (his third consecutive gold album).