What has NASA's Cassini seen during its Grand Finale? 🎥 Science Technology | Channify

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In two days time, Cassini will reach the last stage of its Grand Finale when it enters Saturn's atmosphere. Leading up to this moment, Cassini has been approaching the planet closer than it ever has done before. What has it seen and discovered during this time? In this video, I showcase the shepherd moons, rings, and planet of Saturn, giving context to the things Cassini has imaged during the Grand Finale. Just to mention in case it isn't clear in the video, all the imagery in this video is real images taken by Cassini during the Grand Finale. The only imagery which is CGI is the animations where Cassini is in the shot. SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! http://goo.gl/WX4iMN Facebook! http://goo.gl/uaOlWW Twitter! http://goo.gl/VCfejs Donate! Patreon: http://goo.gl/GGA5xT Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far, especially: Doug Deal Aber And also: AJDarkKnight Servando Tariq Mulla Garthvater Milo Schuman Eli Birnbaum Solar Anamnesis Alexander Simpson Wolfgang Neuner Richard Smiles Flint Corey Bryan Shintani Patrick Ketaner Support to have your own name added to the list! Image Credits: NASA Artist's Impression of Saturn - Mrs Kayros Art - https://www.facebook.com/mrs.kayros.art Music Credits: Obscured - Mark LaFountain - https://soundcloud.com/mindveneration A Walk Into Space - Topher Mohr & Alex Elena

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