How Far Away Can You Get From Everybody Else? 🎥 Science Technology | Channify

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Sign up for a month's free trial at The Great Courses Plus: Support RealLifeLore on Patreon: How far away can you possibly get from every other human on the planet? The answer is actually quite far, there are a lot of extremely remote places left in the world and some of them have actually yet to be reached by anybody in all of history. Music is by Ross Bugden, seriously if you haven't checked out his channel yet then you might want to reconsider that. Link to Ross Bugden: Songs used are Flight Hymn: Still: Plese Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: Reddit: Videos explaining things. Mostly over topics like history, geography, economics and science. We believe that the world is a wonderfully fascinating place, and you can find wonder anywhere you look. That is what our videos attempt to convey. Currently, we try our best to release one video every two weeks. Bear with us :) Business Email: [email protected]

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