What If MEGALODON Sharks Were Still Alive? 🎥 Science Technology | Channify

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Have you ever wondered what life might be like if much, much larger sharks were lurking somewhere out there in our oceans? With teeth the size of a Subway six-inch sub of the day, but made out of shark tooth? SUBSCRIBE! https://goo.gl/3sPGBT The megalodon, which literally means “big tooth”, is an extinct species of massive, gigantic, very large, very scary shark. The megalodon lived, according to our good friend Wikipedia, between 23 and 2.6 million years ago. Yes, from the Early Miocene until the end of the Pliocene period, these literal monsters roamed the deep, terrifying fishes and occasionally surfacing to terrify some of our very, very distant ancestors. To give you some perspective, they look a lot like a great white shark, only about 3 times larger. In case you don’t know shark specs off the top of your head, the largest great white sharks ever recorded are around 19 feet long and 4,200 lbs, with the average great white being much smaller. Fossils of megalodons indicate they were, on average, about 33 feet long and could reach sizes as large as 52 feet or maybe even 60 feet long. Cute! For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: [email protected]

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