Radia, the mermaid princess, is teleported deep into the forest. A wolf is there to meet her. Apex shapeshifts and explains the situation. A sick wolf needs the volatile mermaid potion to survive. It is dangerous, but they have to try! This is our 100th Episode of Mermaid Secrets of The Deep. We are very thankful to you for watching our show and supporting us YouTubers We love comments, so please say hi and let us know if we should go for a million subs and a Billion views. Thanks! Visit the Lockwood Animal Rescue Center https://lockwoodarc.org/ Special thanks to Matt Simmons and Dr. Lorin Lindner of LARC. They allowed us to visit the Wolf Sanctuary and film. Please visit their website and support their great work. Hope you leave us a comment. Tell us what your mermaid name and tail color isπ§ββοΈ Even if you don't have a mermaid tail what color would you like it to be? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2Theekholms WATCH MY TOP PLAYLIST HERE!: http://bit.ly/TheekholmsTopPlaylist Visit us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearetheekholms/ Get your Fin Fun Mermaid Tail: https://www.finfunmermaid.com/ Visit our Amazon Store here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/theekholms SEE All MERMAID SHOWS: http://bit.ly/SeeAllMermaidShows Hope you leave us a comment. Tell us what your mermaid name and tail color isπ§ββοΈ Even if you don't have a mermaid tail what color would you like it to be? Please let us know if you saw this on Youtube Kids. Thank you for your time. "And remember, mermaids are amazing and so are you!" About Theekholms: Theekholms channel is hosted by a mermaid, animal, adventure, storytelling creating family. Together they share the many wonders of nature, creativity and having fun. Join us in our adventures and other things we stumble into!! Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - WOLF - S13E4 | Theekholms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTWovuNs20 Theekholms https://www.youtube.com/user/Theekholms