Thanks for the palladium: Best Patrons: Stan Presolski, reinforcedconcrete, Dean Bailey, Bob Drucker, Pradeep Sekar, Applied Science, Purple Pill, afreeflyingsoul, Alfred Barnat, Sabarish Elango. Patreon: Facebook: Instagram: Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video! Hi everyone! In this video you will learn about such a metal as palladium and also about why it has disappointed me so much. In the periodic table of chemical elements palladium belongs to group 10 and is located right below nickel and is one of the platinum group of precious metals. Since palladium is quite lowly active, pure form of this metal naturally occurs in platinum nuggets. However, such instances are quite rare that is why it is usually extracted as a byproduct from copper-nickel ores which are found in South Africa and Canada. Nowadays Russia is the largest producer of pure palladium, production of which takes place in the city of Norilsk.