Just like in the Japanese art of "Kintsugi", where gold is poured into cracks of broken pottery, God wants to take the brokenness in our hearts and make it a part of the beautiful story He is writing in our lives. As we worship together, let's put aside all fear and step into the presence of God. He is here to restore your broken dreams, to refresh your weary soul and to rebuild your life anew. +++++++ CityWorship: Jesus My Lord // Yong Te-Chong @City Harvest Church Song Leader: Yong Te-Chong Authors: Charissa Tan | Laelle Loong © 2019 City Harvest Church +++++++ CONNECT WITH US TODAY! Twitter | @chcsg | @CityWorshipSG Facebook | @CityHarvestChurch Youtube | @CityHarvestSg Website | chc.org.sg/cityworship To know more about City Harvest Church, visit our website at chc.org.sg