BREAKING! 200 MPH Hurricane Footage of Irma AFTERMATH (Anguilla St Maarten St Martin) 🎥 Hurricanes News | Channify
RAW FOOTAGE Michel Magras, senator from the Island of St Barts: "I am shocked by the monster that covers us... The island is devastated. It is apocalyptic, a lot of damage, many roofs destroyed.” The Day of the Lord is at hand. Is your name in the Lamb's Book of life? We are an end-time church ministry and rely on the support of our viewers to help continue the Labor of the Word brought to you by these broadcasts. Please donate securely online at: or mail: EMOAF| Evangelist Anita Fuentes PO Box 218, Schertz, TX 78154 Thank you and the Lord richly bless you as you continue to walk in His ways