Boeing 747-400 Cockpit - Breakoff Landing Amsterdam Schiphol 🎥 Hurricanes News | Channify

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In celebration of passing 100k subscribers, we have a bit of a special and unique video for you, ILS 27 breakoff runway 24 with ATC. Today you can join in on the flightdeck of this KLM Martinair Cargo Boeing 747-400 ERF flying an instrument approach followed by a visual circling manoeuvre to land. The video starts in the descent over the north sea west of Amsterdam. We are then radar vectored via the north of Schiphol on a high extended right downwind for runway 27 (buitenveldertbaan). We intercept the ILS for 27 and are eventually given a breakoff to land on runway 24 (kaagbaan). The breakoff is a visual circling manoeuvre. First the instrument approach is followed for 27. When in an appropriate position the pilot then transitions to visual outside references to position the aircraft to land on a different runway. This procedure is often used during south-west storms when the wind only allows landings on 24. This time though, it just saved a lot of taxi time and fuel. Thank you very much for watching Also check out the captains side view: Recorded with: Sony Handycam, GoPro HERO3 Black.

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