Mankind's ability to control nature is beginning to get out of hand. Animals are being, cloned, hybrids are being created, and jellyfish dna is being used to make all kinds of things glow. Whether they were mnt to exist on this planet or not, it’s already too late, here are insane creatures created by scientists. 13. Glowfish What color would you like your fish to be when it glows in the dark? Sunburst orange? Moonrise pink? Starfire Red, Cosmic Blue or Galactic purple! These glofish are the first genetically engineered pets on the market to become available to the public but that doesn’t mean you’ll find them everywhere! Jellyfish dna or dna from other sea creatures is inserted into the embryos of zebrafish which will result in having a glow in dark the dark fish! Other DNA from coral, sea anemone, and sea pansy are used to make them glow different colors. They were extremely popular when they fire went on the shelves in Taiwan selling for 18 dollars each. It’s believed that they were originally created to be released into water and become fluorescent when toxic water is present. Some people protested the fish like in canada but eventually it was deemed that they weren’t dangerous to anyone so they let the people keep the fish! Many fish have some natural fluorescence so there hasn’t been any negative genetic effects to fish populations just yet. 12. Superbugs With all of these organisms whose DNA has unnaturally been altered from genetically modified organisms, you have to wonder what kind of environmental risks. As more and more species are introduced into the world, other animals are going to have to adapt to those changes. Like how we mentioned the superbugs, some bugs who develop immunity to pesticides when they’re over used. This is true for other organisms like bacteria, fungus, weeds etc. A new bacteria theoretically evolve to kill GMO animals who either need excess antibiotics or we’re modified to be more bacteria resistant, leading to massive plagues and much more deadly than ones we had to deal with in the past. Other environment risks include the excess pesticides seeping to our water supply or polluting our soil. As of now, antibiotic genes don’t appear to pose a threat but we don’t know the possibly negative effects just yet. We’ll explain later how scientists try to combat these superbugs later on in this video. 11. Killer Bees This is what happens when people think it’s fun to hybrid a little too much without thinking about the results and the story behind it seems like something out of a sci fi film. Farmers who were trying to increase the production of honey, crossbred the African honey bee with the European honey bee native to Italy and created a killing machine. This mix of genetics turned them into much more aggressive, insect of nightmares. They don’t mind a good chase either. If you even consider disturbing their nest, they’ll chase you miles and have known to kill at least 1000 humans. Let’s hope other hybrids won’t turn out like this. 10. Enviropig A genetically modified pig, known as the, enviropig, or the frankenswine by many protesters, contains DNA of mice and also even genes from E. Coli bacteria. Sounds like a porkchop you don’t want to eat!. This was to help the pig consume higher amounts of phosphorus more efficiently which is found in genetically modified soy, which also has its own complications. For normal pigs, they would eat soy that contained the phosphorus which would come out in manure and then pose environmental problems. The pigs were later euthanized when Canada decided to pull funding on the GE experiment. Why can’t they just genetically modify the pig with the best bacon or find something better to feed them? Why do they have to use soy to feed these animals.