SNIPER ELITE 4 - Softly Softly + Evasive Manoeuvres + Rifle Ripper Challenges 🎥 Gaming News | Channify
Three challenges in one run, Softly Softly, Evasive Manoeuvres and Rifle Ripper. Bitanti Village: â–ºEvasive Manoeuvres -Spend less than three minutes in combat â–ºRifle Ripper -Rifle only. No other weapons or offensive items used. â–ºSoftly Softly -Kill the Sniper with Greta in under five minutes â–ºIf you like this game buy it on amazon using this (affiliate) link, it will help me alot: â–ºMore Sniper Elite 4 videos on this playlist: #gunnza69 #sniperelite4 #sniperelite4challenges Subscribe to my Youtube Channel for more Videos.