Old men in fitness prank | F&B Acrobatics | English Subtitles 🎥 Funny Pranks | Channify

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Filip Krzisnik and Blaz Slanic as F&B Acrobatics - acrobats, skydivers, gymnasts, dancers, jugglers, climbers, martial artists, fire breathers, extreme sportsmen, aerialists, adrenaline junkies, stuntmen and choreographers, acquainted in 2014. Connecting sports, art and show business, resulting in over 400 events in 2016 with up to 16.000 people in attendance per venue. Masked up as old men, the acrobats made an awesome appearance in Alfa Gym in Ljubljana, Slovenia and shocked the crowd with their incredible stunts and skills. Watch with subtitles! ------ Ker v mladosti nisva razmišljala o pokojninskem zavarovanju, naju je čez noč presenetila starost. Zato se zdaj zelo postarana še vedno ukvarjava z akrobacijami, kar pa v teh letih ni več tako preprosto. Poglej v videu! #glejnaprej + http://bit.ly/2BPbuh7 ------ Contact Mobile: +38640977299 E-mail: [email protected] Web: fbacrobatics.com Facebook F&B page: F&B Acrobatics Instagram: @filipkrz @acroblaz Instagram F&B Page: @fbacrobatics International booking: [email protected]

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