Did Kathleen Martinez Find Cleopatra's Lost Tomb? | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 🎥 Egyptian Engineering | Channify

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Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb7xZQi7F3RW7BNtR57cNnA?sub_confirmation=1 to be the first to watch more full length documentaries. Dr. Kathleen Martinez sets out on a maverick journey to search for Cleopatra's lost tomb. Using her detective skills Kathleen comes up with a new controversial theory on the location of the tomb, which leads her to an overlooked temple site called Taposiris Magna 40km west of modern day Alexandria. If she is proven right, not only will Kathleen solve one of Ancient Egypt's greatest mysteries but she could establish herself as the most important archaeologist in history. Welcome to the History Channel, the home of gripping and powerful documentaries. Here you can watch both full length documentaries and series that explore some of the most comprehensive pieces of world history.

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