On Nov 15, 2006 one of the killer whales in the Shamu Show at Sea World in San Diego took one of the trainers on an unplanned "ride" under water. This happened two weeks before the more highly publicized accident that happened on Nov. 29, 2006. Watch the trainer who dives off of a whale to the right of the screen. ****Lots of people have stated in the comments that they didn't see what happened. First...when this actually happened, I didn't even realize I captured it on video--I wasn't zoomed in on any specific whale or person until I realized something was wrong. If you watch the trainer who dives in the water at the beginning, as he gets part way across the pool a whale comes up behind him and they both disappear under the water. And, if you watch the trainers on the stage, you'll notice they go into a panic/rescue mode. Yeah, it isn't the best video quality and doesn't show a lot of details due to the low resolution when I uploaded it.